
PhD Students
- Abigail Pickering (she/her), 2024--
- Ion Wood-Thanan (they/them), 2023--
- Phillipos Kyriacou (he/him), 2023--
- Naomi Wray (she/her), 2023-- (2nd supervisor)
- Shobhna Singh (she/her), 2021--
Master's Students
- Anujan Ganeshalingam (Cardiff, MPhys 2022 → IBM)
**Congratulations** to Anujan for winning the Professor Parrott Prize, which is awarded to the graduating MPhys student with the highest standing in the School of Physics and Astronomy! - Majid Rezai (Cardiff, MSc 2022)
- Camilla Mapstone (Bristol, MPhys 2014)
- John Watts (Bristol, MPhys 2013)

Bachelor's Students
- Adam Kicman
- Ben Miles
- Solomon Guo
- Josh Colclough (Cardiff, BSc 2022 → Met Office)
**Congratulations** to Josh for winning a specially created prize for exceptional performance in his project! See here for a news article regarding the award. Josh's award-winning code can be found on github here.
Summer Students
- Emre Parmaksiz (Princeton, 2021)
- Ruyi Ding (Princeton, 2020)
- Shazia'Ayn Babul (Princeton, 2019)
- Kenneth Lee (Oxford, 2019)
- Jerome Lloyd (Birmingham, 2019)
- Christos Kourris (Edinburgh, 2019)
- Leon Zaporski (Oxford, 2018)
- David Newman (Bristol, 2014)