Please see the Publications tab for an up-to-date list of my papers, theses, etc.; this page has some popular write-ups of work I've been involved with.
Hamiltonian Cycles on Ammann Beenker Tilings
A Hamiltonian cycle visits every vertex on a graph exactly once before returning to the start. A classic example is a Knight's Tour on a chessboard. Finding these paths is, in general, a very hard problem (NP-complete). Unexpectedly, we found a way to construct them on certain quasicrystals. As a result, many formerly intractable problems can now be solved in this setting. The Hamiltonian cycles also make fantastically complicated mazes. The work has been written up here:
- New Scientist
- The Metro
- Wired (Italy)
- The Sun
- Gizmodo
- Phys.org
- Science Alert
- Interesting Engineering
- Bristol University
- Science News
Aperiodic Monotiles
2023 saw the discovery of an aperiodic monotile: a shape (dubbed 'The Hat') that can tile a plane perfectly, but only without periodicity. To celebrate this inspirational result we organised Hatfest at Oxford University's Mathematical Institute.
I have subsequently worked to understand how physics behaves in these fascinating settings. Some of this work, published in Physical Review Letters, received a write-up here:
Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice
Published in Nature.
My experimental collaborators detected signatures of magnetic monopoles in the spin ice material dysprosium titanate, based on our earlier theoretical predictions. You can read some popular summaries here:
and an article about the original proposal here:
The Excitonic Insulator State in Titanium Diselenide
Published in Science.
- Excitonium: New form of matter discovered 50 years after it was first theorised (The Independent)
- Physicists excited by discovery of new form of matter, excitonium (eurekalert)
- Physicists Discover New Form of Matter, Excitonium (scitechdaily)
Charge Density Waves in Niobium Diselenide
- Young-Woo Son, Double Charge Wave, Nature Physics News and Views (2021)
- Researchers Identify the Way Electrons Form Crystals Within Crystals
- Caltech Announces Discovery in Fundamental Physics