Copies of published articles can be accessed below. For pre-prints please see my arXiv profile.
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-8362-1384
Scopus Author ID: 56102472300
- Doruk Efe Gökmen, Sounak Biswas, Sebastian D. Huber, Zohar Ringel, Felix Flicker, and Maciej Koch-Janusz
Compression theory for inhomogeneous systems
Nature Communications 15, 10214 (2024) - Shobhna Singh, Jerome Lloyd, and Felix Flicker
Hamiltonian cycles on Ammann-Beenker Tilings
Physical Review X 14, 031005 (2024) - Roemer D. H. Hinlopen, Owen N. Moulding, William R. Broad, Jonathan Buhot, Femke Bangma, Alix McCollam, Jake Ayres, Charles J. Sayers, Enrico Da Como, Felix Flicker, Jasper van Wezel, and Sven Friedemann
Lifshitz transition enabling superconducting dome around a charge-order critical point
Science Advances 10, eadl3921 (2024) - Shobhna Singh and Felix Flicker
Exact solution to the quantum and classical dimer models on the spectre aperiodic monotiling
Physical Review B 109, L220303 (2024) - Justin Schirmann, Selma Franca, Felix Flicker, and Adolfo G. Grushin
Physical properties of an aperiodic monotile with graphene-like features, chirality, and zero modes
Physical Review Letters 132, 086402 (2024) - W. R. B. Luckin, Y. Li, J. Jiang, S. M. Gunasekera, C. Wen, Y. Zhang, D. Prabhakaran, F. Flicker, Y. Chen, and M. Mucha-Kruczynski
Controlling charge density order in 2H-TaSe2 using a van Hove singularity
Physical Review Research 6, 013088 (2024) - Michael Saccone, Arjen Van den Berg, Edward Harding, Shobhna Singh, Sean R. Giblin, Felix Flicker, and Sam Ladak
Exploring the phase diagram of 3D artificial spin-ice
Communications Physics 6, 217 (2023) - Felix Flicker
Why we must inspire people with the magic of condensed matter physics
New Scientist, 26th April 2023 - Felix Flicker
The Magick of Physics: Uncovering the Fantastical Phenomena in Everyday Life
Simon and Schuster (New York) ISBN 978 1 9821 7060 8
NB this is the US/Canada edition of The Magick of Matter - Felix Flicker
The Magick of Matter: Crystals, Chaos and the Wizardry of Physics
Profile Books (London) ISBN 978 1 78816 748 2 - Felix Flicker
Understanding the call of the monopole
Science 378, 1177 (2022) - Jerome Lloyd, Sounak Biswas, Steven H. Simon, S. A. Parameswaran, and Felix Flicker
Statistical mechanics of dimers on quasiperiodic Ammann-Beenker tilings
Physical Review B 106, 094202 (2022) - Árpád Pásztor, Alessandro Scarfato, Marcello Spera, Felix Flicker, Céline Barreteau, Enrico Giannini, Jasper van Wezel, and Christoph Renner
Multiband charge density wave exposed in a transition metal dichalcogenide
Nature Communications 12, 6037 (2021) - Glenn Wagner, Henrik S. Røising, Felix Flicker, and Steven H. Simon
A microscopic Ginzburg-Landau theory and singlet ordering in Sr2RuO4
Physical Review B 104, 134506 (2021) - Thomas Schuster, Felix Flicker, Ming Li, Svetlana Kotochigova, Joel E. Moore, Jun Ye, and Norman Y. Yao
Realizing Hopf Insulators in Dipolar Spin Systems
Physical Review Letters 127, 015301 (2021) - Thomas Schuster, Felix Flicker, Ming Li, Svetlana Kotochigova, Joel E. Moore, Jun Ye, and Norman Y. Yao
Floquet engineering ultracold polar molecules to simulate topological insulators
Physical Review A 103, 063322 (2021) - Owen Moulding, Israel Osmond, Felix Flicker, Takaki Muramatsu, and Sven Friedemann
Absence of superconducting dome at the charge-density-wave quantum phase transition in 2H-NbSe2
Physical Review Research 2, 043392 (2020) - Zhenzhong Shi, S.J. Kuhn, F. Flicker, T. Helm, J. Lee, W.M. Steinhardt, S.E. Dissanayake, D. Graf, J.C. Ruff, G. Fabbris, D. Haskel, Sara Haravifard
Incommensurate two-dimensional checkerboard charge density wave in the low dimensional superconductor Ta4Pd3Te16
Physical Review Research 2, 042042 (Rapid Communications) (2020) - J. Henke, F. Flicker, J. Laverock, and J. van Wezel
Charge Order From Structured Coupling in VSe2
SciPost Physics 9, 056 (2020) - L. Boyle, M. Dickens, and F. Flicker,
Conformal Quasicrystals and Holography
Physical Review X 10, 011009 (2020) - F. Flicker, S. H. Simon, and S. A. Parameswaran,
Classical Dimers on Penrose Tilings
Physical Review X 10, 011005 (2020) - F. Flicker, S. J. Blundell, and J. C. S. Davis,
Discovery of Magnetic Monopole Noise
Oxford University Department of Physics Newsletter, Autumn (2019) - H. S. Roising, T. Scaffidi, F. Flicker, G. F. Lange, and S. H. Simon,
Superconducting order of Sr2RuO4 from a three-dimensional microscopic model
Physical Review Research 1, 033108 (2019) - L. Zaporski and F. Flicker,
Superconvergence of Topological Entropy in the Symbolic Dynamics of Substitution Sequences
SciPost Physics 7, 018 (2019) - R. Dusad, F. K. K. Kirschner, J. C. Hoke, B. R. Roberts, A. Eyal, F. Flicker, G. M. Luke, S. J. Blundell and J. C. S. Davis,
Magnetic Monopole Noise
Nature 571, 234-239 (2019) - H. S. Roising, R. Ilan, T. Meng, S. H. Simon, and F. Flicker,
Finite temperature effects on Majorana bound states in chiral p-wave superconductors
SciPost Physics 6, 055 (2019) - L. Ward and F. Flicker,
Pattern at the Boundaries of Order
Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, vol. 4 no. 1 55-70 (2019) - H. S. Roising, F. Flicker, T. Scaffidi, and S. H. Simon,
Weak-coupling superconductivity in an anisotropic three-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model
Physical Review B 98, 224515 (2018) - F. Flicker,
How The Mound Got Its Quack
New College Notes 10, 10 (2018) - F. Flicker, F. de Juan, B. Bradlyn, T. Morimoto, M. G. Vergniory, and A. G. Grushin,
Chiral Optical Response of Multifold Fermions
Physical Review B 98, 155145 (2018) - F. Flicker,
Time Quasilattices in Dissipative Dynamical Systems
SciPost Physics 5, 001 (2018) - S. Gao, F. Flicker, R. Sankar, H. Zhao, Z. Ren, B. Rachmilowitz, S. Balachandar, F. Chou, K. Burch, Z. Wang, J. van Wezel, and I. Zeljkovic,
Atomic Strain Manipulation of a Charge Density Wave
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 201718931 (2018) - F. K. K. Kirschner, F. Flicker, A. Yacoby, N. Y. Yao, and S. J. Blundell,
Proposal for the detection of magnetic monopoles in spin ice via nanoscale magnetometry
Physical Review B 97, 140402 (Rapid Communications) (2018) - A. Kogar, M. S. Rak, S. Vig, A. A. Husain, F. Flicker, Y. I. Joe, L. Venema, G. J. MacDougall, T. C. Chiang, E. Fradkin, J. van Wezel, and P. Abbamonte,
Signatures of exciton condensation in a transition metal dichalcogenide
Science 358, 1314-1317 (2017) - M. Bachmann, N. Nair, F. Flicker, R. Ilan, T. Meng, N. J. Ghimire, E. D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J. G. Analytis, and P. J. W. Moll,
Inducing superconductivity in Weyl semimetal microstructures by selective ion sputtering
Science Advances 3, e1602983 (2017) - T. Helm, F. Flicker, R. Kealhofer, P. J. W. Moll, I. M. Hayes, N. P. Breznay, Z. Li, S. G. Louie, Q. R. Zhang, L. Belicas, J. E. Moore, and J. G. Analytis,
Thermodynamic Anomaly Above the Superconducting Critical Temperature in the Quasi One-Dimensional Superconductor Ta4Pd3Te16
Physical Review B 95, 075121 (2017) - F. Flicker and Jasper van Wezel,
Charge order in NbSe2
Physical Review B 94, 235135 (2016) - P. Henelius, T. Lin, M. Enjalran, Z. Hao, J. G. Rau, J. Altosaar, F. Flicker, T. Yavors'kii, and M. J. P. Gingras,
Refrustration and competing orders in the prototypical Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice material
Physical Review B 93, 024402 (2016) - F. Flicker and Jasper van Wezel,
Natural 1D Quasicrystals from Incommensurate Charge Order
Physical Review Letters 115, 236401 (2015) - F. Flicker and Jasper van Wezel,
Charge Ordering Geometries in Uniaxially-Strained NbSe2
Physical Review B 92, 201103 (Rapid Communications) (2015) - F. Flicker and Jasper van Wezel,
Quasiperiodicity and 2D Topology in 1D Charge Ordered Materials
Europhysics Letters 111, 37008 (2015) - Y. Feng, J. van Wezel, J. Wang, F. Flicker, D. M. Silevitch, P. B. Littlewood, and T. F. Rosenbaum,
Itinerant density wave instabilities at classical and quantum critical points
Nature Physics 11, 865 (2015) - F. Flicker,
The Geometry and Topology of Charge-Ordered Quantum Fields in Low-Dimensional Systems
PhD Thesis (University of Bristol, 2015) - F. Flicker,
The Weirdness of Time Zones
Physics World vol. 28 no. 6 (June 2015) - F. Flicker and Jasper van Wezel,
Charge Order from Orbital Dependent Coupling Evidenced by NbSe2
Nature Communications 6, 7034 (2015) - F. Flicker,
Quantum Kung Fu
Physics World vol. 27 no. 7 (July 2014) - H. J. Silverstein, K. Fritsch, F. Flicker, A. M. Hallas, J. S. Gardner, Y. Qiu, G. Ehlers, A. T. Savici, Z. Yamani, K. A. Ross, B. D. Gaulin, M. J. P. Gingras, J. A. M. Paddison, K. Foyevtsova, R. Valenti, F. Hawthorne, C. R. Wiebe, and H. D. Zhou,
Liquidlike correlations in single-crystalline Y2Mo2O7: An unconventional spin glass
Physical Review B 89, 054433 (2014) - F. Flicker,
Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice
MSc Thesis (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2011) - F. Flicker,
Nonlinear Waves in Granular Crystals
MPhys Thesis (University of Oxford, 2010)